Saturday, September 20, 2014

The easiest high fiber breakfast in the world! YES WORLD!

Some mornings you feel like this right? If not kuddos to you and maybe I need to start meeting with you once a week over coffee to gain some tips on just how you are doing it!

So back to the occasional crazy life:  I have a backup plan for a good breakfast on these kind of thing I keep in my pantry at all times is instant blueberry muffin mix, steel cut oats, and flax seeds. In my freezer I keep frozen bananas. Why? Because it will serve you the easiest and quickest high fiber breakfast for guests or kids. I find that my in-laws love these muffins too but even better Caden is obsessed with them!

I accidentally made these one time when my in-laws came in. I had a pack of instant blueberry muffin mix and I was seriously thinking who eats the muffin mix just like this? So I whipped up some add-ins such as steel cut oats, sprinkled cinnamon, bunch of flax seeds, 3 sugar in the raw packets, and I even threw a frozen banana in the microwave for 15 seconds and mashed that right on in. THEY WERE GREAT! I am now into the habit of making these on Thursday afternoons when my in-laws come in to town because I put them under the cake plate dish if someone wants a snack or wakes earlier than others and wants a breakfast item to go with their coffee. Best part is this....they are LOADED with fiber and oats!

Kids and even adults can have a hard enough time getting enough fiber if they don't eat their required servings of veggies a day so this is a great way to start the day and they are so good you won't be able to keep your hands off either! They also keep you full for a long time and they are under 200 calories a muffin!

Quick Fix Fiber Muffins

1 pack of instant blueberry mix (add water)
1 banana mashed (I throw a frozen banana in microwave for 10 seconds)
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1/2 cup finely chopped pecans
1 cup steel cut raw oats
2 tablespoons sugar
1/4 cup chia or flax seeds

Mix all ingredients

Bake 425 for 12-15 min

* You can freeze your bananas and pull them out for these quick fixes, just pop in microwave for 10-15 seconds and mash into mix

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